TPC Group at the IV GLENIF Congress 2024

September 10, 2024

We are pleased to announce the participation of TPC Group in the IV GLENIF 2024 Congress, one of the most outstanding events in accounting and finance in Latin America. This congress will be held on November 19 and 20, virtually, under the theme “Managing the Present, Building the Future: Technology, Sustainability and New Financial Information.”  

The event will bring together international experts, business leaders and representatives of regulatory bodies to discuss the latest developments in international accounting and financial reporting standards, with a focus on technology and sustainability.  

Juan Pizarro: Representative of TPC Group  

We are proud to have Juan Pizarro, President of the Tax Commission of the Chilean Association of Accountants, as a representative of TPC Group in this important congress. Juan Pizarro will share his knowledge on “Income Tax: An Accounting Perspective and OECD Regulation”, analyzing the evolution of Pillar 2 of the BEPS plan and its impact in Chile and the world.  

With his extensive experience in tax and financial matters, Juan Pizarro’s participation will provide valuable and practical insight into the current and future challenges faced by multinational companies in complying with international regulations.  

Join the Congress  

The IV GLENIF Congress promises to be an enriching platform for the exchange of knowledge and experiences, contributing to building a more sustainable and technologically advanced future in accounting and finance.  

Don’t miss this unique opportunity!  

Registration information can be found at the following link:  

International Recognition: ITR World Tax 2025

TPC Group has been recognized in the ITR World Tax 2025 Ranking for its outstanding work in Transfer Pricing in multiple countries in Latin America and Europe, including Chile.