Modification in the Tax on Credits and Debits in Bank Accounts

July 27, 2021

General Resolution No. 5031 of 2021 provides for the modification of the Tax on Credits and Debits in Bank Accounts and other Transactions. 

1. Main modifications

  • Payment Service Providers (PSP) or companies engaged in electronic payment and/or collection services on behalf of third parties, in respect of transactions performed among payment accounts defined by the CENTRAL BANK OF THE ARGENTINE REPUBLIC are incorporated as liquidation and collection of the tax agents.
  • It is decided to incorporate an assumption regarding the consideration of the period of income to be reported, as follows: 

In the case of transactions carried out through bank accounts or payment accounts defined by the CENTRAL BANK OF THE ARGENTINE REPUBLIC in its Communication “A” 6.885, the term shall be counted as of the corresponding date of registration, under the rules established by the Banco Central de la República Argentina – B.C.R.A (Central Bank of the Argentine Republic).

  • On the other hand, it is provided that the application program called “CREDEB – Version 3.0” shall be used to generate the information related to the perceptions made and/or the own tax accrued, as well as for the preparation of the respective affidavit.
  • Also, it is stated that with respect to the Affidavit filing, the required persons shall provide the information referred to in the previous point, by means of the electronic transfer of Form F.776, generated through the application provided by this organism, using the service called “Presentation of Affidavit and Payments”.
    It should be noted that the filing of the required information shall be complied with even when no tax collection has been performed”.
  • Continuing with the modifications, it is stated that to comply with the reporting of transactions of the movement of funds of incomplete requirements or exempt ones, even the due dates established in Article 11, the transactions carried out up to the last day of each month must be reported by means of electronic transfer of form F.778, generated through the application provided by this organism, using the service called “Filing of Affidavit and Payments”.
  • Finally, the modification of the tax percentages covered by this regulation is provided for, as follows: 
    • Article 13 of the Annex to Decree No. 380/01 and its modifications authorizes the tax computation as payment on account of taxes or of the Special Contribution on the Capital of Cooperatives in the percentages indicated:
    • Tax liquidated and collected at the general rate of SIX PER THOUSAND (6º/oo) originated in the amounts credited to bank accounts: THIRTY THREE PERCENT (33%).
    • Tax paid at the general rate of TWELVE PER THOUSAND (12º/oo) for taxable events included in paragraphs b) and c) of Article 1 of the tax law: THIRTY THREE PERCENT (33%).
  • Impuesto ingresado a la tasa general del DOCE POR MIL (12º/oo) por los hechos imponibles comprendidos en los incisos b) y c) del artículo 1º de la ley del gravamen: el TREINTA Y TRES POR CIENTO (33%).
  • taxable events taxed at a lower rate than those indicated: TWENTY PERCENT (20%).
  • Tax established by Article 1 of Law No. 25,413 and its modifications, which had been effectively paid: ONE HUNDRED PERCENT (100%) as payment on account of income tax by companies considered “micro” and “small”, SIXTY PERCENT (60%) by manufacturing industries considered “medium – bracket 1-” under the terms of Article 1 of Law No. 25,300 and its complementary rules.
  • The holders of payment accounts are entitled to the computation of the payment on account in accordance with paragraphs a), c) and d) above.
  • Los titulares de cuentas de pago tienen derecho al cómputo del pago a cuenta de acuerdo con los incisos a), c) y d) precedentes.

2. Validity

The provisions of this general resolution shall come into force as of July 26, 2021, and shall apply to taxable events occurring as of August 1, 2021.

Source: Boletín Oficial 07/26/21

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