Social benefit programs for rural workers and others

August 16, 2021

Through Decree No. 514/2021, the National Government established a set of guidelines to promote the hiring of registered labor and access to social security benefits by the social groups with the highest degree of social vulnerability, among them rural workers and their family groups.

1. Application Scope

The regulations state that persons hired under temporary or discontinuous permanent employment modalities and those hired to carry out agricultural activities will be entitled to the benefits provided by the legislation, for the term and according to the scope determined therein.

2. Family Allowances

The workers hired under any of the previously mentioned modalities will receive family allowances, provided the requirements set forth in the regulations in force are complied, and may not be lower than the amount equivalent to one hundred percent (100%) of the value of the Universal Child Allowance for Social Protection. For such purposes, an additional monetary amount shall be paid under the conditions and terms set forth in the complementary rules to be issued to reach such objective.

When they cease to be covered by the general contributory family allowance system and/or by the provisions of Article 1° of Decree No. 592/16, those affected will be entitled to receive universal allowances, provided they meet the relevant requirements, and the continuity of the benefit coverage will be ensured.

3. Social Plans and Programs

The holders of the “Programa Nacional De Inclusión Socio-Productiva” (National Program for Socio-Productive Inclusion), “Desarrollo Local” (Local Development), “Potenciar Trabajo” (Enforcement Work), and the National Plan Food Card “Argentina Contra El Hambre” (Argentina Against Hunger) being hired under any of the previously mentioned modalities, may continue to receive the benefits and allowances granted by such programs under the terms and conditions established by the regulations set forth in the following paragraph:

“The Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security and the Ministry of Social Development shall establish the guidelines to determine the origin and scope of the compatibility of registered work with the programs and plans referred to and with national social and employment programs in force or eventually instituted, granting monetary benefits intended for individuals and family groups in a situation of social vulnerability.”

Source: Boletín Oficial 16/08/21

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