Key Dates for the Transfer Pricing Regime in Colombia

April 18, 2023

In Colombia, the information Transfer Pricing statements must be virtually filed through electronic computer services by the income tax taxpayers and complementary in Colombia with related parties abroad and/or in free trade zones and/or who have carried out transactions with individuals, corporations, entities, or companies located, resident, or domiciled in non-cooperative, low, or no tax jurisdictions and preferential tax regimes, whether related or not, must comply with the Transfer Pricing regime. 

Transfer Pricing Statements

The deadlines to file the information Transfer Pricing statement (Form No. 120) and Local Report for the taxable year 2022 virtually by the taxpayers are from September 7 and 20, 2023.  

Regarding the Master File, these must be filed between December 11 and 22, 2023. The Country by Country Report will be due between December 11 and 15, 2023. 

Annual Statement of Assets Abroad

According to the information provided by the DIAN (Dirección de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales – National Tax and Customs Directorate), the deadlines for filing the annual statement of assets abroad have been determined according to the type of filer: Large taxpayers, legal entities, and individuals, and according to the last one or two digits of the NIT (Número de Identificación Tributaria – Taxpayer Identification Number).   

Regarding the deadlines for large taxpayers, these will be between April 10 and 21, 2023; between April 10 and May 8, 2023, for legal entities; and August 9 and October 19, 2023, for individuals. 

Source: 18/04/23

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