SAT: New Requirements in the Transfer Pricing Study

March 21, 2022

The SAT (Superintendencia de Administración TributariaSuperintendency of Tax Administration) of Guatemala has begun to send new requirements regarding the segmented Financial Statements reported in the Transfer Pricing Study.

The SAT requests taxpayers the additional requirements on the segmented financial statements reported in the Transfer Pricing Study. According to this request, the SAT will require a detailed integration of the revenues, costs, and expenses recorded in the segmentation of Financial Statements.

In 2016, the SAT published the Transfer Pricing Studies guidance for those taxpayers with related party transactions abroad, as indicated in the Annual Income Tax Affidavit. According to this guidance, the segmentation of financial statements was optional for taxpayers.

Conversely, the SAT has made the financial statements segmentation a requirement to use within the Transfer Pricing Study nowadays. Indeed, such segmentation was requested in the latest information requests.

Separating related-party transactions from the total financial statements may make the process difficult. On the other hand, the segmentation is an actual efficient tool for determining compliance with Transfer Pricing regulations.


Source: SAT Guatemala 21/03/22

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