Modification to the Microenterprise Financial Support Program

September 15, 2021

Through the agreement subscribed on September 15, 2021, the Ministry of Economy subscribed to the agreement that seeks to modify the guidelines for the operation of the Financial Support to Family Microenterprises program.

1. Modifications to the regulations

According to the agreement, the modifications applied to the guidelines for the operation of the program of financial support to family micro-enterprises in 2021, which will be worded as follows, after the application of the changes;

  • Article Three;
    1. Provide financing to family microenterprises identified through the Welfare Census and those that are part of the registry carried out by the UDP in terms of these Guidelines.
  • Article Sixth;
    1. Have been registered or initiated the registration process in 2020 by the SEBIEN through the State Delegations, the One-Stop Centers, and the field visit by the Serving Persons of the Nation, or, if applicable, be part of the corresponding registration carried out by the UDP within the framework of the legal instruments established in section TWELFTH of these Guidelines.
    2. Manifest to have a non-agricultural microenterprise or, as the case may be, to be a self-employed person or a service provider according to the information of the Welfare Census and/or the registry carried out by the UDP.

2. Auditing

Likewise, the regulation states that SEBIEN, within the scope of its attributions and powers, will be in charge of carrying out the necessary processes for the identification of the Target Population and the selection of the Beneficiaries of the Program in the modality of Family Microenterprise.

Likewise, based on the above, the institution will deliver to the Secretariat by electronic means, the databases with the information of the persons who complied with the requirements in terms of the SIXTH guideline, in order for the Secretariat to have the necessary information for the allocation of budgetary resources.

On the other hand, it will be the responsibility of the UDP to apply the necessary processes for the identification of the Potential Population that meets the eligibility criteria and requirements set forth in the SIXTH Guideline in the modalities of Accomplished Enterprises and Women in Solidarity of the Program and the selection of the Beneficiaries of these modalities, as well as those who are registered by the same in the modality of Family Microenterprises.

Source: Diario Oficial de la Federación 15/09/21

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