Percentages applicable to the tax incentive for fuels

August 3, 2021

By means of Agreement No. 104 of 2021, the percentages and amounts of the tax incentive, as well as the reduced fees of the excise tax on production and services applicable to the fuels indicated, corresponding to the current fiscal period, were disclosed.

1. Tax Incentive Percentages

The percentages of the tax incentive for the period from July 31 to August 6, 2021, are applicable to automotive fuels are as follows:

FuelIncentive Percentage
Gasoline less than 91 octane52.34%
Gasoline greater than or equal to 91 octane and non-fossil fuels24.01%

2. Tax Stimulus Amounts

The amounts of the tax incentive for the period from July 31 to August 6, 2021, are applicable to automotive fuels are as follows:

FuelAmount of tax incentive(pesos/liter)
Gasoline less than 91 octane$2.6773
Gasoline greater than or equal to 91 octane and non-fossil fuels$1.0369

3. Tax Incentive Fees

The fees for the period from July 31 to August 6, 2021, are applicable to automotive fuels are as follows:

FuelFee (pesos/liter)
Gasoline less than 91 octane$2.4375
Gasoline greater than or equal to 91 octane and non-fossil fuels$3.2823
Source: Diario Oficial de la Federación 02/08/21

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