Guidelines are established for the regional economic prospectus

August 9, 2021

Law 10/2018 was amended by Law No. 6/2020 on November 09 in the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, regarding to accelerate the transformation of the regional economic prospectus to generate stable quality employment.

1. Hotel Renovation

The regulations state that a provision focused on tourism in the region will be added so that after the entry into force of the legislation, a prior, mandatory and binding report will be required from the autonomous department responsible for tourism on the suitability of the hotel renovation project to the tourism regulations and category requested, providing for such purpose the preliminary project of the establishment with sufficient detail on the new characteristics, facilities, and services.

It should be noted that when the hotel renovation project affects buildings located in the public domain protection easement zone, the established regime will be applied without prejudice to the provisions of coastal legislation.

On the other hand, when the hotel renovation project is developed on a plot located in an urban or developable area in the process of management and execution, the application of the use premium will be added to the rights that initially correspond to the beneficiary, and must be considered in the provisional or definitive settlement of the urbanization expenses, contributing to the same.

2. Territorial and urban planning

Concerning the organization of the territory, the Governing Council may suspend in whole or in part, in exceptional cases, the validity of the urban planning instruments to ensure their suitability for the instruments of territorial planning, to defend other supramunicipal interests, or to urge the revision of their planning, by agreement and at the proposal of the competent counselor in matters of urban planning.

In this regard, the agreement to suspend validity must indicate the instruments whose validity is suspended, the suspension scope, the terms the suspended instruments must be reviewed or modified, and the regulations to apply temporarily after hearing the affected municipalities.

3. Regime not specified

This legal regime, which will be specified in transitional rules, will not be considered as a planning instrument for urban planning purposes when any classification provided for in the planning be amended, referring exclusively to:

  • Urban land.
  • Land for development that has begun the process of urbanization.
  • Rural areas.

In this sense, its scope and purpose will be limited to establishing the minimum regulatory content necessary to allow the normal exercise of urban development powers in the previously consolidated grounds.

4. Environmental Protection

This point states that activities potentially polluting the atmosphere (groups A and B) not subject to integrated environmental authorization, are not considered substantial modifications those being a modification or replacement of machinery, equipment, or facilities by similar characteristics, provided there is no inclusion of a new focus A or B involving an increase of more than 35% of the mass emission of any of the atmospheric pollutants in the authorization or the total of the atmospheric emissions produced.

Source: Boletín Oficial del Estado 09/08/21

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