The Bolivian Invoicing System is regulated

August 16, 2021

The purpose of this Normative Resolution of the Board of Directors is to regulate the Invoicing System in the Plurinational State of Bolivia within the framework of Law No. 843 (current Consolidated Text), Supreme Decree No. 21530 VAT Regulations, and other related tax regulations.


The provisions of this resolution apply to all VAT Taxpayers and/or their Responsible Third Parties. Likewise, other natural or legal persons, who without being VAT taxpayers, by order of this resolution, must submit or send the information related to the issuance of Tax Documents.

What are the invoicing modalities?

The resolution in question has indicated six (6) types of invoicing modalities, which are detailed below:

1. Manual Invoicing Modality

This modality is related to the handwritten issuance of pre-printed Tax Documents through an Authorized Printing House, with the data authorized by the Tax Administration to the VAT Taxpayer.

2. Prevalued Invoicing Modality

This modality is related to the issuance of Tax Documents with the pre-printed price of the good sold or service rendered, where the transaction data do not include the buyer’s nominative data used in economic activities of massive consumption and/or fixed price according to commercial requirements.

It is important to point out that Prevalued Tax Documents can be issued in printed form or online through this modality.

3. Computerized Invoicing Modality SFV (Simple File Verification)

Through this modality of a transitory nature, the Invoice or Fiscal Note issuance is made from an SFC (Sistema de Facturación Computarizado – Computerized Invoicing System) developed or acquired by the VAT Taxpayer.

4. Online Electronic Invoicing Modality

By means of this modality, the Tax Documents issuance with digital signature through a Computerized Invoicing System authorized by the Tax Administration, which may be its own system or provided by a supplier.

5. Online Computerized Invoicing Modality

The modality for the issuance of Tax Documents with Fingerprint Hash is characterized by using the credentials of the VAT Taxpayer in a Computerized Invoicing System authorized by the Tax Administration.

6. Online Web Portal Invoicing Modality

Modality implemented by the Tax Administration on its web page available to all VAT taxpayers upon subscription.

It should be noted that VAT Taxpayers may remain in the invoicing modalities they use as of the effective date of this Resolution, as long as they form part of the invoicing modalities authorized by this Resolution until the Tax Administration expressly assigns them a new invoicing modality.

Vouchers issuance and particular situations

Once the generating or taxable event of the Value Added Tax has been completed, the taxpayer must issue the Invoice, Tax Receipt, or Equivalent Document complying with the technical aspects foreseen.

However, in certain circumstances, the issuance must follow particular criteria. The considered situations are the following: 

  1. Rentals
  2. Food marketing – food safety and sourcing.
  3. Purchase and sale of foreign currency
  4. Export, free consignment export, and tourism services
  5. Fairs
  6. Continuous rendering service
  7. National artists
  8. Dutty-Free
  9. Zero Rate
  10. Fuel sales
  11. Free Trade Zone

Tax Effects of Invoicing

This resolution states that the Invoice, Tax Receipt, or Equivalent Document will be valid to support the liquidation of VAT and Corporate Income Tax, provided it meets certain requirements.

Likewise, the Tax Credit supported in the Invoices, Tax Receipt, or Equivalent Documents must be imputed in the tax period, according to the date of issuance of the document.

In addition, the information of a Tax Document in XML format generated by the VAT Taxpayer with digital signature or fingerprint through the computer systems or electronic means authorized by the Tax Administration, sent thereto and registered in its database, constitutes a Digital Tax Document, having legal and evidentiary validity.


This resolution is effective as of December 1, 2021.

To learn more about this resolution, please click here.

Source: Impuestos Nacionales 13/08/21

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