Transfer Pricing Schedule in Colombia 2024

January 18, 2024

In the Transfer Pricing area, Colombia establishes a dynamic and challenging environment requiring proactive and strategic management to ensure regulatory compliance. The fiscal year 2023 brings a crucial timeline that multinational companies must address to comply with the requirements of the Directorate of National Taxes and Customs (DIAN).

1. Informative Affidavit (Form N°120) in Colombia

The “Informative Affidavit,” known as Form N°120, represents the first pillar of this process. Accuracy in the presentation of this document is crucial to demonstrate transparency in transfer pricing.

2. Local Report in Colombia

The Local Report is essential to exhibit transparency in intercompany transactions, aligning with market value principles. This report must be based on the requirements of Colombia’s transfer pricing regulations, which specify the methodologies that must be applied based on the characteristics and nature of the transactions under analysis, as well as the elements and factors to be considered in comparability analyses.

3. Master File in Colombia

The “Master File” stands as a strategic piece that requires a global vision of the business group’s operations. By addressing transfer pricing policies, business structures, and associated risks, the aim is to ensure effective coordination. Harmonization between entities is essential to ensure consistency and cohesion.

4. Country-by-Country Report in Colombia

The “Country-by-Country Report” completes the trio of essential reports. It requires the disclosure of key information on the global distribution of income, the location of employees and assets, and the payment of taxes. Effective collaboration across jurisdictions is crucial to maintaining global transparency and preventing base erosion.

5. Transfer Pricing Expiration Schedule in Colombia

The effectiveness of Transfer Pricing compliance in Colombia in 2024 lies in meticulous planning and adherence to the deadlines established by the DIAN. Timely adherence to the schedule strengthens companies’ position for potential audits and demonstrates a transparent commitment to tax regulations.

Information Statement, (includes Country-by-Country Notification), Local Report, and Master Report

Due date in September (date) 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20


Last NIT digit

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

Country-by-Country Report

Due date in December (single date)



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