The Importance of Tax Planning

May 21, 2021

Tax planning is defined as a set of patterns that optimize the tax burden to reduce or eliminate it, as well as to obtain different tax benefits.

In this regard, such planning becomes a useful tool for the company in terms of its management, i.e., concerning decision-making to optimize its resources.

What is the purpose of Tax Planning?

As mentioned above, tax planning seeks to eliminate tax contingencies, increase a company’s profits or reduce tax payments, all by using the respective legal mechanisms allowed without evading tax laws. Why is tax planning important? Tax planning strategies are often used to help companies achieve their financial and business targets. That is where the importance of these lies, reducing tax levels, allowing greater control thereof, reducing potential penalties, and maximizing tax relief and/or tax credits. The company will achieve a higher cash flow, allowing you to handle other obligations or invest in this tax savings again..

In a pandemic context, this becomes even more relevant for companies seeking to optimize their costs to increase their liquidity.

Tax Planning provides efficient management of tax savings and sets a reasonable level of taxation for a company.

How to achieve this target?

Tax planning will depend on each type of company and its particularities, so there is no single model to follow.

However, it is essential to have a specialist who knows tax regulations to their full extent to have a broad overview of all the legal procedures a company may have.

Likewise, the relevant areas must be exhaustively reviewed, which are usually the operations and finance ones, as well as knowing which is the main business or activity.

The aforementioned leads to better results when planning tax strategies within the company.

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