Tax collections of July 2021 are reported

August 11, 2021

On August 8, 2021, the General Directorate of Internal Taxes informed about the collections of July 2021.

1. Collections of july 2021

The DGII (Dirección General de Impuestos Internos – General Directorate of Internal Taxes) reported that collections of July reached RD$59,729.9 million, equivalent to RD$21,910.4 million more than estimated for compliance of 157% in this period. For July, RD$37,819.5 million in tax revenues were estimated.

2. Collection from january to july

The accumulated total from January to July amounts to RD$358,669.2 million, which is equivalent to RD$75,196.7 million more than the estimated RD$283,472.5 million and  compliance of 126.5 percent during the first half of the year.

If we compare with 2019, a year without the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the July 2021 growth is 44.4 percent, collecting RD$18,371 million over the RD$41,358.2 million collected for that year.

Meanwhile, compared with 2020, the growth in revenues is 43.0 percent, since RD$17,952.6 million more than the RD$41,777.3 million that was received in July of that year.

3. Complementary budget

Regarding the estimate in the complementary budget, compliance is 127.4% in July, equivalent to RD$12,862.8 million more than the submitted amount in the new budget. Meanwhile, in the accumulated from January to July, compliance is 105.9%, that is, RD$19,960.2 million additional. 

4. Resources received under the transparency law

As for the resources collected through Law 46-20 on Transparency and Patrimonial Revaluation, a total of RD$6,341.6 million was collected in July 2021, equivalent to 10.6 percent of the total collected in the month.

In July, the highest income was received as a result of this law, representing 26.9% of the total amount collected.

From March 2020 to July 2021, RD$23,548.3 million have totally been received under this law, mostly through payment facilities, amnesty, and capital appreciation.

Source: Dirección General de Impuestos Internos 11/08/21

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