Taxpayers will have a new token to access the virtual office

September 1, 2021

On August 28, 2021, was published on the “Listin Diario” website about the token for a virtual office for large taxpayers.

1. Deadline for token replacement

According to the DGI (Dirección General de Impuestos Internos – General Directorate of Internal Taxes), from September 1 to 25, 2021 will begin the process of replacement due to the expiration of security devices tokens for access to the Virtual Office for Large National Taxpayers and Large Local Taxpayers.

For such purposes, local administrations will be contacting taxpayers with assigned tokens to carry out the replacement. In addition, information will also be provided through the Virtual Office and other digital media.

2. Taxpayer with representative

It should be noted that the replacement for the expiration of one device will be free of charge, and any additional device will cost RD$1,500.00, as has been done on previous occasions.

If the taxpayer has a representative, he/she must appear in person at the corresponding local administration or send a designated person with a duly signed and stamped authorization communication, as well as the device(s) to be replaced.

3. Access with the new token

The token will be activated within a maximum of 24 working hours from the date of delivery. The DGII reminds Large National Taxpayers and Large Local Taxpayers that if they do not have the new token after its expiration date, it will be impossible for them to access the Virtual Office.

Source: Listín Diario 31/08/21

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